Rose of Jericho

Rose of Jericho
The Rose of Jericho (Resurrection Plant, Dinosaur Fern) is a desert plant in the spike moss family, known for its ability to survive through long periods of drought. In its native habitat, it curls into a tight ball when it's dry, and unfurls slowly when it finds water, "blooming" to life - then it curls back up into a ball once the water is exhausted, and tumbles onward with the wind.
Comes dried, in its dormant state. Place in a shallow dish of water, watch it unfurl over the hours, then let it dry out once again. Keep it on your altar and offer it fresh water when you're in need of inspiration, let it dry out completely at least once a week, or let it stay dormant for months at a time.
Makes a great gift for a "brown thumb." Available in a standard or large size - when dried, the standard ones are about the size of a lemon, and the larger ones are more like an orange or a grapefruit in size. The one featured in our listing photos is a standard size.
Keep out of reach of pets and children.